Seminar Programme

- 0700 - 0830
Registration of Seminar Participants
- 0830 - 0840
Welcome Address
YBhg Datuk Haji Daud Haji Amatzin, PJN, AISP, FISP
Chairman, The Incorporated Society of Planters
- 0840 - 0900
Official Opening and Ministerial Address
YB Datuk Seri Johari Bin Abdul Ghani (Invited)
Minister of Plantation and Commodities, Malaysia
- 0900 - 1015
Refreshments & Tour Exhibition
Keynote Address
Chairperson: Mr. M R Chandran, FISP
The Incorporated Society of Planters
- 1015 - 1055
From Plantation to Preservation: The Role of Oil Palm in Sustainable Vegetable Oil Production
YB Nik Nazmi Bin Nik Ahmad (Invited)
Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability
Chairperson: Dato’ Henry Sackville Barlow, FISP
Southdene Sdn Bhd
- 1055 - 1125
How The Industry Can Contribute Towards Malaysia’s Net-zero
Dr Gary William Theseira
Climate Governance Malaysia
- 1125 - 1155
Innovating Sustainable Materials Made from Oil Palm Trunks
Mr. Hans Peter Fitch
IOI Palm Wood Sdn Bhd
- 1155 - 1225
Comparison of Sustainable Palm Oil Versus Other Competing Crops
Mr Muhammad Haris Abdullah
Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil
- 1225 - 1400
Lunch & Tour of Exhibition
- 1400 - 1430
Chairperson: Dato’ Dr Mohamad Hashim Ahmad Tajudin, FISP
The incorporated Society of Planters
- 1430 - 1500
Ensuring Business Continuity through Plantation Turnaround
Dr Ramesh Veloo
The Incorporated Society of Planters
- 1500 - 1530
Mr Rashyid Redza Anwarudin (TBC)
SD Guthrie
- 1530 - 1600
The Need for Innovation in Sustainable Oil Palm Production
Dr David Ross Appleton
SD Guthrie
- 1600 - 1630
How Johor Plantations Group is Moving towards Regenerative Agriculture (TBA)
Mr Faris Adli Shukery
Johor Plantations Group Berhad
- 1630 - 1700
- 1700
Refreshment & Tour of Exhibition
- 1730 - 1900
Advansia Sdn Bhd
- 1930 - 2230
Seminar Dinner
Guest of Honour (Invited):
YB Datuk Seri Johari Bin Abdul Ghani
Minister of Plantation and Commodities, Malaysia
- 0700 - 0830
- Borneo 1 Room
Registration of Seminar Participants
- 0830 - 0840
- Grand Ballroom
Welcome Address
YBhg Datuk Haji Daud Amatzin, PJN, AISP, FISP
Chairman, The Incorporated Society of Planters
Keynote Address
Chairperson: Mr. M R Chandran, FISP
The Incorporated Society of Planters
- 0840 - 0920
- YBhg Dato’ Mohd Nazrul Izam Mansor
- Grand Ballroom
Opportunities & Strategies to Improve the Profitability of the Oil Palm Business
Session I - Leadership and Management
Chairperson: Mr. Eric Kiu Kwong Seng
Sarawak Oil Palm Plantation Owners Association (SOPPOA)
- 0920 - 0950
- Mr. Joseph Tek Choon Yee
- Grand Ballroom
Navigating Oil Palm Business Growth from Field to Boardroom, Advocacy and Beyond
- 1000 - 1020
- Grand Ballroom
Special Address
YBhg Datuk Seri Johari bin Abdul Ghani
Minister of Plantation and Commodities, Malaysia
- 1020 - 1050
- Grand Ballroom
Official Opening
Guest of Honour: YAB Datuk Patinggi (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg
Premier of Sarawak
- 1050 - 1130
- Grand Ballroom
Refreshments & Tour of Exhibition
- 1130 - 1200
- Dr. N M Thangaraj
- Grand Ballroom
Landscape of Talent Management in the Malaysian Plantation Industry: Practical Implications for Reshaping the Sector
- 1200 - 1230
- Grand Ballroom
- 1230 - 1430
Lunch & Tour of Exhibition
Session II - Productivity and Competitiveness (Good Agriculture Practices - Land and Labour)
Chairperson: Mr. Joshua Mathews
The incorporated Society of Planters
- 1430 - 1500
- Mr. Selvarajah L
- Grand Ballroom
Managing Oil Palm Replanting Challenges on Peat
- 1500 - 1530
- Mr. Narayanan Ramanathan
- Grand Ballroom
Addressing Plantation Rising Cost of Production
- 1530 - 1600
- Mr. Jaya Raj B
- Grand Ballroom
Enhancing Workers’ Productivity in Oil Palm Plantation through Mechanisation - Kuala Lumpur Kepong (KLK) Group of Plantation
- 1600 - 1630
- Dr. Mohd Hefni Rusli
- Grand Ballroom
Effects of Five Biocontrol Products on Ganoderma Basal Stem Rot of Oil Palm from Replanting to 10-year-old Mature Palm in Miri, Sarawak
- 1630 - 1710
- Grand Ballroom
- 1710
Refreshment & Tour of Exhibition
- 1730 - 1930
Post Seminar Talk
(Hi-Tea 55th Anniversary - By Invitation Only)
- 1930 - 2230
- Grand Ballroom
Seminar Dinner
Guest of Honour:
YB Datuk Seri Johari bin Abdul Ghani
Minister of Plantation and Commodities, Malaysia
Chairperson: Datuk Zulkarnain Md Eusope
Boustead Plantations Berhad
- 0830 - 0900
Oil Palm Industry Paradigm: Adopt, Adept to Stay Agile
Dr Meilina Ong Abdullah
Malaysian Palm Oil Board
- 0900 - 0930
New Insights for Managing Wildlife Co-existence in Oil Palm Landscapes
Dr Erik Meijaard
Borneo Futures
- 0930 - 1030
Refreshments & Tour of Exhibition
- 1030 - 1100
Commitment of Retailers and Consumer Goods
Dr Law Chu Chein
Solidaridad Asia
- 1100 - 1130
How MPOC is Moving towards Complying with International Sustainable Matters
Ms Belvinder Kaur Sron
Malaysian Palm Oil Council
- 1130 - 1200
Technology Innovation
Mr Roslin Azmy Hassan
Malaysian Palm Oil Association
- 1200 - 1430
Lunch & Tour of Exhibition
- 1430 - 1505
- 1505 - 1705
Panel Discussion
Title: From Plantation to Preservation: The Role of Oil Palm in
Sustainable Vegetable Oil Production
Moderator: TBA
Panel members
1. Dato’ Dr Suzana Idayu Wati Osman (FELDA)(TBC)
2. Dr Surina Ismail (IOI Group)
3. Puan Nurul Hasanah Ahamed Hassain Malim (FGV Holdings Berhad)
4. Dr Rajinder Singh Harminder Singh (Malaysian Palm Oil Board)
5. Dr Norita Ja’afar (Johor Plantations Group Berhad)
- 1705 - 1720
Closing / Vote of Thanks
Haji Mohamad Fadzil Hitam
Vice-Chairman, The Incorporated Society of Planters) /
Chairman, Main Organising Task Force of NATSEM2025
- 1720
Refreshments & Tour of Exhibition
Session III - Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
Chairperson: YBhg Dato' Henry Sackville Barlow, FISP
Southdene Sdn. Bhd.
- 0830 - 1900
- Mr. Napolean anak Royal Ningkos
- Grand Ballroom
Effects and Way Forward on The Implementation of ESG on Independent Oil Palm Smallholders in Sarawak, Malaysia
- 0900 - 0930
- Puan Nurul Hasanah Ahamed
- Grand Ballroom
- 0930 - 0950
- Grand Ballroom
- 0950 - 1100
- Grand Ballroom
Refreshments & Tour of Exhibitions
Session IV - Milling and Processing
Chairperson: Mr. Fairuz Ismail
Tradewinds Plantation Berhad
- 1100 - 1130
- Dr. Azmil Haizam Ahmad Tarmizi
- Grand Ballroom
Managing Food Safety and Quality at the Palm Oil Midstream and Downstream Sectors
- 1130 - 1200
- Datin Stella Ambrose
- Grand Ballroom
Adopting Automation into Milling
- 1200 - 1220
- Grand Ballroom
- 1220 - 1430
Lunch & Tour of Exhibition
- 1430 - 1630
- Grand Ballroom
Panel Discussion
Title: Opportunities & Strategies to Improve the Profitability of the Oil Palm Business
Moderator: YBhg. Dato' Dr. Mohamad Hashim Ahmad Tajudin, FISP
The Incorporated Society of Planters
Panel Members
1. Tuan Sirai Daha, Ministry of Food Industry,
Commodity and Regional Development Sarawak
2. Mr. Joseph Tek Choon Yee, Malaysian Palm Oil Association
3. Dr. Meilina Ong Abdullah, Malaysian Palm Oil Board
4. Mr. Paul Wong Hee Kwong, Sarawak Oil Palm Plantations
5. Mr. Mohd Sabre Salim, The Incorporated Society of Planters
6. Mr. Napolean Anak Royal Ningkos, Sarawak Dayak Oil Palm Planters Association
7. Mr. Borhan Bachi, FGV Holdings Berhad
- 1630 - 1645
- Grand Ballroom
Closing / Vote of Thanks
- 1730 - 1930
Post Seminar Talk
Post Seminar Tours
Tour A: All Cosmos Industries Sdn Bhd
Tour B: Johor Plantation Group
Tour C: Achi Gold Agrofarm Tour
Tour D: 1-Day Batam Island Visit
Tour E: 2 Days 1 Night Golf Batam Island
- 0700 - 1700
Post Seminar Tours
Tour A: Sungai Balim Estate (Sarawak Plantation Berhad)
Tour B: Miri City Tour
Tour C: Niah National Park Tour
Tour D: Brunei Heritage Tour
Tour D: Saremas 1 Estate (Wilmar Plantations Sdn Bhd)